Sandia Gun Club
2024 Metric Smallbore Prone Rifle League
Conducted at
Albuquerque Shooting Range Park (ASRP)
Safety – Everyone must comply with all Park rules and with instructions of the ASRP Manager and staff. Firearms may not be brought to the firing line until the match director has called the line hot. All firearms, cased or not, must be carried straight up between the line and your vehicle.
Dates – February 3, April 6, May 4, June 1, Sept 7, Oct. 2,5, Nov 2, Dec. 7, 2024
Location – Albuquerque Shooting Range Park, (505-836-8785) Take exit 149 from I-40, go north about 4 miles to turnoff to ASRP, follow pavement west until you reach the range.
Time – Registration begins at 0900. Firing starts at ~0930.
Registration Procedure – First, pick up a target frame. Come to the 100 yard range immediately east of the range house for the match. Please sign in on the match/league signup sheets. The match director will collect fees. Firing will begin when all competitors are signed in and ready to fire. If you have your own portable frames please bring them!
Fee – Match fee (includes Alb Shooting Park fee) is $8 for Sandia members, $10 for non-Sandia members, and free to juniors and collegiates. There is no league fee.
Insurance – SGC members are covered by the Club’s insurance. Non-members pay an additional two dollar ($2.00) per match fee to register as a SGC “match member.”
Rules – Current NRA Conventional Smallbore Prone rifle rules will apply (league is not NRA approved). Additionally, an F-Class or Unlimited Rifle category has been created, though scores fired by shooters in this unsanctioned category will not be turned in to the NRA, and they will not compete directly with shooters using complying equipment. Any safe .22 caliber rimfire rifle may enter the F-Class category. Telescopic sights may be used for all stages, and rests and sandbags will be allowed. Please contact the match director if you have questions.
Course of fire – Match will be conducted at 50 and 100 yards. Match is one-hundred twenty (120) shots for record. Time is 20 minutes per target card (20 shots), including unlimited sighters during that period.
Stage 1 – 40 record shots, 50yds, iron sights (50 meters reduced, target A51)
Stage 2 – 40 record shots, 100yds, iron sights (100 meters, target A-33)
Stage 3 – 20 record shots, 100yds, any sights + 20 record shots, 50yds, any sights (Dewar) (50 meters reduced, target A51, 100 meters, target A-33)
Awards – No awards will be given.
Targets and Frames – The league will provide a target frame and targets (A-51 and A-33). Participants may provide any special frames they require.
Contact – The Match Director, Virginia McLemore, can be reached via email at or via phone at 575-835-5521 or 575-517-0525.